The SRI works at the UN Universal Periodic Review by collaborating with national and regional organisations and coalitions on stakeholder submissions. These submissions touch on a number of different sexual and reproductive health and rights issues affecting the country under review, such as abortion, sex work, access to contraception, and rights related to sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression.

The UPR provides an opportunity for civil society organisations (CSOs) to engage in advocacy at the United Nations. CSOs can submit stakeholder submissions advocating for improved human rights conditions in their country, including on issues of sexual and reproductive health and rights.


The Universal Periodic Review: A Powerful Tool for Advancing Sexual Rights

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights trends at the Universal Periodic Review


Our Work at the UPR

La sesión 47° del Examen Periódico Universal se desarrolló del 4 al 15 de noviembre de 2024. En esta sesión fueron examinados 14 países: Noruega, Albania, República Democrática del Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Portugal, Bután, Dominica, República Democrática Popular de Corea, Brunéi Darussalam, Costa Rica, Guinea Ecuatorial, Etiopía, Catar y Nicaragua.
La sesión 45° del Examen Periódico Universal tuvo lugar del 22 de enero al 2 de febrero de 2024. En esa sesión fueron examinados 14 países: Arabia Saudita, Senegal, China, Nigeria Mauricio, México, Jordania, Malasia, República Centroafricana, Mónaco, Belice, Chad, Congo y Malta. En colaboración con organizaciones aliadas, la SRI presentó informes sobre Malasia y Nigeria.
La sesión 46° del Examen Periódico Universal tuvo lugar del 29 de abril al 10 de mayo de 2024. Durante la sesión fueron examinados 14 países: Afganistán, Camboya, Chile, Chipre, Eritrea, Eslovaquia, Islas Comoras, Macedonia del Norte, Nueva Zelanda, República Dominicana, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Vietnam y Yemen. En colaboración con organizaciones aliadas, la SRI presentó informes sobre Camboya, Macedonia del Norte, Chile y Uruguay.
Alentamos a México a que las políticas y leyes que adopte tengan un enfoque interseccional, ya que son numerosas las violaciones a los derechos humanos donde además del género o la orientación sexual y la identidad de género, aspectos como la clase, el origen étnico, el estatus migratorio u otros factores incrementan sustancialmente las vulnerabilidades de las personas que sufren discriminación.


UPR Database

UPR Database

The UPR Database, a project of the SRI, allows you to access and search all the sexual rights related recommendations and references made during the Universal Periodic Review.

Consult the database.

What is the Universal Periodic Review?

The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is an intergovernmental process in which each of the 193 UN Member States is reviewed on their entire human rights record every four and a half years. The UPR highlights actions that countries need to take to fulfil their agreed human rights obligations—these actions are presented as recommendations that states must accept or note.

Explainer on Terminology

  • Accepted Recommendation: The state under review agrees to implement the recommendation
  • Deferred Recommendation: The state under review will announce in [later] if it agrees to implement the recommendation
  • Noted Recommendation: The state under review does not agree to implement the recommendation

To learn more about the Universal Periodic Review, please visit its website or watch this video produced by UPR-Info.