SRI engages with the UN Special Procedures to influence the content of their thematic work and reports. As independent experts, Special Procedures have a particular role to play in echoing feminist analysis and demands and are sometimes able to do so more freely than other human rights mechanisms. We work in this context to bring an intersectional approach that includes sexual rights and foregrounds a Global South perspective to thematic mandates in their contributions to the development of norms and standards. 

We engage with Special Procedures by making submissions to their thematic reports. We also contribute to the debates, discussions and panels with independent experts at the Human Rights Council. We participate in their consultations and connect them with activists at the national level when they undertake country visits. Finally, we support organisations and activists who want to make a complaint through the communication procedure.



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En el año que acaba de concluir, continuamos destacando el profundo impacto que tienen sobre los derechos sexuales las crisis globales interrelacionadas causadas por el capitalismo mediante el neoliberalismo rampante, el extractivismo sin control y la degradación del clima, el populismo y el nacionalismo violentos, la desigualdad cada vez mayor al interior de los estados y entre ellos, y los sistemas de opresión patriarcal, racista, de clase y capacitista profundamente arraigados. A continuación podrán leer lo más destacado de 2023 en el trabajo de la SRI.

En respuesta a la posición nociva de la Relatora Especial de la ONU sobre la violencia contra las mujeres y las niñas, Reem Alsalem, contra el reconocimiento legal del género a través de la autoidentificación, la Iniciativa por los Derechos Sexuales (SRI) ha decidido dejar de relacionarse con esta titular de mandato y alienta a otras organizaciones feministas y activistas a hacer lo mismo.

Entre una sesión del Consejo de Derechos Humanos y la siguiente, activistas, movimientos y organizaciones pueden continuar haciendo incidencia de muchas maneras diferentes en el sistema de derechos humanos de la ONU.


Thematic work on special procedures

While we cover a range of topics related to sexual rights, our current focus through the Special Procedures currently covers the following themes:


Latest news on Special Procedures

Opportunities for feminist engagement in the UN human rights system

You'll find in this post the most recent opportunities for feminist engagement in the UN human rights system from February to April 2024.

Published on February 08, 2024

2023 In Review

Last year, our work continued to highlight how sexual rights are profoundly impacted by the interrelated global crises brought on by capitalism through rampant neoliberalism, unchecked extractivism and climate degradation, violent populism and nationalism, soaring inequality within and between states, and entrenched patriarchal, racist, classist and ableist systems of oppression. Read below for our highlights of 2023.

Published on February 12, 2024


What are Special Procedures?

UN Special Procedures are human rights experts appointed by the UN Human Rights Council to investigate, analyse and report on thematic or country-specific human rights concerns.

UN Special Procedures can take the form of Special Rapporteurs, Independent Experts, or Working Groups. The Special Procedures submit annual reports to the Human Rights Council, respond to communications of urgent human rights violations, undertake country visits, and contribute to developing international human rights norms and standards.

To learn more about the Special Procedures, please visit their website or watch this video produced by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.