
Published on août 11, 2023
SRI is undertaking a series of conversations to explore the political economy of sexual rights and its implications for global advocacy. Our first conversation will be on the following theme: legacies and contemporary forms of colonialism, imperialism, and occupation, and their impact on sexual and reproductive rights. Join us for this exciting online event on 30 August 2023 from 14:00 to 15:30 CEST. Speakers will be announced shortly. Register now for this event using the form below.
Published on août 11, 2023
Únase a nosotres en esta emocionante serie de conversaciones organizadas por la Iniciativa por los Derechos Sexuales sobre la economía política de los derechos sexuales. Estos interesantes debates exploran cómo la macroeconomía afecta profundamente los derechos sexuales y comparten ideas sobre estrategias efectivas para abordar estos desafíos dentro del activismo por la justicia social, incluida la promoción en los espacios de derechos humanos de la ONU. Al reunir a un grupo diverso de activistas, académicos y defensores, esta serie de conversaciones virtuales tiene como objetivo construir colaboraciones entre movimientos y asociaciones globales.
Published on août 11, 2023
Notre première conversation portera sur le thème suivant : les legs et les formes contemporaines du colonialisme, de l'impérialisme et de l'occupation, et leur impact sur les droits sexuels et génésiques. Rejoignez-nous pour cet excitant événement en ligne le 14 septembre 2023 de 15h00 à 16h30 CET. Les intervenant∙e∙s seront annoncés prochainement. L'interprétation en espagnol et en français sera disponible. Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant à cet événement en utilisant le formulaire ci-dessous.
Published on juillet 17, 2023
The 53rd session of the UN Human Rights Council took place from 19 June to 14 July. Below you will find information on some of the key sexual rights-related: Resolutions Panel discussions Oral statements Side Events
Published on juillet 17, 2023
La sesión 53° del Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU tuvo lugar desde el 19 de junio hasta el 14 de julio pasados. A continuación, encontrarán información relacionada con derechos sexuales en algunas de sus: Resoluciones Mesas redondas Intervenciones orales Eventos paralelos
Published on juillet 10, 2023

The relationship between health, race, caste, class and gender is rooted in colonial, patriarchal and capitalist control over women’s sexuality, reproduction and bodies and produces distinct experiences of oppression that are often fatal. Racialised women are specifically targeted by harmful stereotypes, the essentialisation of women to their reproductive capacities, forced sterilisation, forced pregnancies and chromosomal testing in sporting events through state interventions or purposeful inaction. This has profound impacts on their health and human rights.

Published on juillet 10, 2023
JOICFP delivers this statement on behalf of 9 partner organizations on the issues related to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR in short). We deeply regret that Japan did not accept the recommendations it received on decriminalization of abortion, removal of spousal consent requirement for abortion, revision of law that forces sterilization to trans-persons under the legal gender recognition process, and implementation of comprehensive sexuality education.
Published on juillet 10, 2023
We regret that Pakistan did not receive any recommendations on its HIV/AIDS response, as Pakistan has one of the highest rates of new HIV infection in South Asia. Only 12% of people living with HIV can access treatment, and the public healthcare delivery system faces uneven distribution of health professionals among provinces and towns, a deficient workforce, insufficient funding and limited access to quality healthcare services.