57th Session of the Human Rights Council


We make this statement on behalf of 367 organisations and 326 individuals. 

In the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, States recognised that women’s rights are human rights and that all human rights are universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated. The right to development is not just economic; it encompasses civil, social, cultural, and political dimensions and includes reproductive health rights to ensure reproductive justice for all.  Reproductive justice was coined by black feminist organisations to address human rights violations with an intersectional approach focusing on underlying socioeconomic factors that affect people’s rights, decisions and lives.

Reproductive justice, including the right to access safe and legal abortion, is crucial for realising the right to health, without which the right to development cannot be realised. 

For decades, corporate capitalism has driven development, equating growth with progress. This model profits from war, illness, and over-consumption, favouring private wealth over public good. Governments support this system by cutting public spending, privatising services, and deregulating industries, which is often demanded by international financial institutions and the Northern states that dominate them. This shifts wealth from the poor to the rich, exacerbating climate crises, food insecurity, lack of affordable housing, displacement, and economic inequalities that hit women and marginalised communities in the Global South the hardest. What’s more, this economic war is conducted in the name of development. 

Economic and political systems significantly influence abortion access. Limited healthcare funding, restrictive laws, restricted funding and neoliberal policies undermine public healthcare and exacerbate inequalities. This creates a situation in which the privileged few are able to navigate such restrictions, while marginalised women, trans, and non-binary individuals are left at the mercy of non-functioning or discriminatory service providers, or rely on NGOs to fill the gaps of public systems, which further deepens social and economic disparities. Such stratification also has the effect of fragmenting national and local movements for reproductive rights and justice. 

We need a new sustainable development model that prioritises equal and equitable access to all resources for all, and which values people over profits. On the occasion of International Safe Abortion Day, we call for an intersectional feminist model to development that centres the voices of women, girls and gender-diverse persons in determining indicators to measure global development. Centering reproductive justice and bodily autonomy for all is essential to such a development model; the ability of marginalised people to exercise control over their reproductive lives enables them to fully participate in social, cultural, and political life. Universal access to safe and legal abortion is fundamental for this.

We must implement laws and policies that ensure equitable access to abortion, fostering an inclusive, just, and developed society where all people can thrive.

Thank you.




  1. Aakansha seva sadan, muzaffarpur Bihar
  2. Aarambh Foundation, Delhi
  3. Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada
  4. Aborto Libre Puerto Rico
  5. Accountability International 
  6. Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights
  7. Action de Solidarité des Femmes pour le Développement en Milieu Rural, ASOFED MR asbl
  8. Actions Communautaires pour le Développement de la Femme (ACODEFEM)
  11. aditus foundation
  12. Afghan Women's organization  refugee and Immigrant services ( AWO)
  13. Africa Center for Health Systems and Gender Justice 
  14. African Sex Workers Alliance
  15. African Youth Safe Abortion Alliance (AYOSA)
  16. Afrikagrupperna
  17. Aid Organization
  18. Alliance of Women Advocating for Change (AWAC)
  19. ALTSEAN-Burma
  21. AMODEFA - Inhambane
  22. Amrai Pari ( WE CAN)
  23. Ars Socialis, A.C.
  24. Articulación Feminista Campaña 28 septiembre Bolivia
  25. Ashar Alo Jubo Kallyan Songha 
  26. Ashar Alo Society(AAS)
  27. Ashar Prodeep (AP)
  28. Asia Pacific Alliance for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (APA)
  29. Asia-Japan Women's Resource Center (AJWRC)
  30. Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA)
  31. Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women (ARROW)
  32. Asociación  Por Ti Mujer
  33. Asociación Feminista La Corriente
  34. Asociación feminista trans AFET 
  35. Associação Nacional de Travestis e Transexuais (ANTRA)
  36. Association Congolaise pour les Droits et la Santé
  37. Association for Support of Marginalized Workers STAR-STAR Skopje
  38. Association HERA XXI
  39. Association of Women for Awareness and Motivation
  40. ASTRA Network
  41. Awake Youth Relief Agency (AYRA) 
  42. Awareness Team YWG 
  43. Badabon Sangho
  44. Baku Volunteer Center
  45. BALAOD Mindanaw
  46. Bancada Feminista do Psol 
  47. Bangladesh Disabled Development Trust 
  48. Bangladesh Legal Aid & Services Trust (BLAST)
  49. Bangladeshi Asexual Association I অযৌনচিত্ত বাঙ্গালী সংঘ
  50. Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic 
  51. Beyond Beijing Committee (BBC) Nepal
  53. Bindu Nari Unnayan Sangathan
  54. Blaise
  55. Bonhishikha-unlearn gender
  57. Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association
  58. Campanha Nem Presa Nem Morta/ Brasil
  59. Canadian Association of Midwives
  60. Canadian Midwifery Regulators Council
  61. Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women/ L'Institut canadien de recherches sur les femmes
  62. Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir El Salvador 
  63. Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir- Colombia 
  64. CEJUDI, A.C. - Centro por la Justicia, Democracia e Igualdad
  65. Center for Biological Diversity
  66. Center for Reproductive Rights
  67. Centre de santé des femmes de Montréal
  68. Centre for Girls and Interaction (CEGI)
  69. Centre for Human Rights and Development 
  70. Centre for Social Concern and Development 
  71. Centre for Solutions Journalism
  72. Centre for the Sustainable use of Natural and Social Resources (CSNR)
  73. Centro de Derechos de Mujeres, Honduras
  74. Centro de Estudios de Género 
  75. Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS)
  76. Centro de promoción en salud y asistencia familiar CEPROSAF
  77. Centro Ecuatoriano para la Promoción y Acción de las Mujeres
  78. Centro Ecuatoriano para la Promoción y Acción de las Mujeres - CEPAM Guayaquil
  80. CEPIA
  81. Child & women development Association ( CWDA)
  82. Child Care Now
  83. CLACAI Consorcio Latinoamericano Contra el Aborto Inseguro
  84. Clear Vision for Change
  85. Clínica de Direitos Humanso da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais 
  86. Clinique des femmes de l'Outaouais
  87. Closet de Sor Juana
  88. COC Nederland
  89. Colectivo Esmeralda
  90. CommonHealth
  91. Con Efe Comunicaciones 
  92. Coordinadora de la Mujer
  93. CREA
  94. Critical Studies in Sexualities and Reproduction, Rhodes University 
  96. Dalit Women Forum
  97. DAWN  Canada  
  98. Ddeser Ikoots 
  99. Ddeser Jalisco
  100. Ddeser Tlaxcala 
  101. Deep Jyoti jharkhand Vikas Kendra 
  102. Development Wheel (DEW)
  103. DHRUBA
  104. Di RAMONA
  105. DinerCity NGO
  107. Disability Pride Bangladesh
  108. Diyawelfare society 
  109. Doctors for Choice (Malta)
  110. Doctors Without Stigma Community
  111. Empower India
  112. ENSEMBLE pour le respect de la diversité
  113. Entretejidas 
  114. Equality Bahamas
  115. Equality Myanmar
  116. Equidad de Género, Ciudadanía, Trabajo y Familia, A.C. 
  117. Equipop
  118. Espacio Mujeres para Vida Digna Libre de Violencia AC
  119. ESWA
  120. European Center for Human Rights
  121. Eve's Academy
  122. Family Planning and Sexual Health Association
  123. Fédération Laïque de Centres de Planning Familial
  124. Femena
  125. Feminism Romania Association
  126. Feministički kolektiv K'o žena Korčula
  128. FIDH
  129. FISD
  130. Fondation Ishiabwe Kithoko André, FONDIKA en sigle
  131. Fondo Lunaria
  132. Fórum Ong aids RS
  133. Fundac Estudio e Investigación Mujer 
  134. Fundacion Arcoiris por el respeto a la diversidad sexual
  135. Fundación Cigesar 
  136. Fundación derechos humanos equidad y género (FUNDHEG) 
  137. Fundacion Estudio e Investigacion de la Mujer 
  138. Fundación Oriéntame
  139. Fundacion para Estudio e Investigacion de la Mujer 
  140. GAT - Grupo de Ativistas em Tratamento
  141. Gender and Economy Research Center NPGE
  142. Gender-Centru
  143. Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights  (GI-ESCR)
  144. Global South Coalition for Dignified Menstruation
  145. Global Women's Health, Rights and Empowerment Initiative (GWHREI)
  146. Grameen Alo
  147. Gramin Evam Nagar Vikas Parishad
  148. Gramin Punarnirman Sansthan
  149. Groupe Tawhida Ben Cheikh
  150. Grupo Curumim 
  151. Guttmacher Institute
  152. Halifax Sexual Health Centre
  153. Hamari Drishti Gaya 
  154. Hashiya Socio-Legal Centre for Women
  155. Her Rights Initiative
  156. Hill Flower
  157. Humanists International
  158. Humanitarian Enhancement Aid for Resilient Transformation-HEART
  159. Idaho Abortion Rights
  160. IFBPW
  161. IJEFA
  162. ILGA World
  165. Initative "Don't Wach. React"
  166. Initiatives des Jeunes pour le Bien-Etre de la Femme et de l'Enfant 
  167. Inroads
  168. Institut du Genre en Géopolitique
  169. International Planned Parenthood Federation – Americas and the Caribbean Region
  170. International Women’s Fund Azerbaijan
  171. International Women's Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific (IWRAW Asia Pacific)
  172. Investigacion en Salud y Demografia, S.C. (Insad)
  173. Ipas LAC
  174. IPPF
  175. IPPF ACRO
  176. IPPF Norway 
  177. Irish Family Planning Association 
  178. IYAFP
  179. IZAD
  180. Jacarandas 
  181. jharkhand vikas parishad
  182. John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights
  183. JOICFP
  184. Juntanza Feminista de Mujeres y disidencias sexuales y de género de Cali, Colombia
  185. Just Futures Collaborative
  186. Justiça Global
  187. JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF)
  188. Justicia  Feminist Network 
  189. Kashi samaj Shiksha Vikas Sansthan 
  190. Kenya Poverty Elimination Network (K-PEN) 
  191. Lady’s Organisation for Social Welfare (LOFS)
  192. Lanka Fundamental Rights Organization
  193. Las Lilas - Red de acompañamiento feminista en aborto
  194. Life Quality Improvement Organisation FLIGHT
  195. Lok Chetana Samiti
  197. Mahila mukti sanstha hazaribag.  ;
  198. Men Against Violence Malta 
  199. Men's Association for Gender Equality Sierra Leone (MAGE SL)
  200. MenEngage Global Alliance
  201. México y Caribe Jóvenes, A.C. 
  202. Movement for Rural Development Organization
  203. Movimiento Manuela Ramos
  204. Mujer Y Salud en Uruguay MYSU
  205. Mujeres Siempreviva Oaxaca
  206. Muthadizani Initiative 
  207. MYSU
  208. NAF Canada
  209. Nari Maitree
  210. Naripokkho 
  211. National Association of Women and the Law
  212. National Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission (Legally registered as Legal Arc Youth Group)
  213. Nice  Foundation 
  214. Noboprobhaat Foundation
  215. Noor
  216. North York Women's Centre
  217. Nueva Luna Salud de las Mujeres A.C.
  218. Observaddoras Ley de Aborto 
  219. OCASI - Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants
  220. Onda Feminista
  221. Ordre des sages-femmes du Québec
  222. Organisation Féministe MARIJÀN (OFMA)
  223. Outright International
  224. Oxfam International
  225. Parafernalia Teatro
  226. Parivartan Vikas 
  227. Pathways for Women's Empowerment and Development (PaWED-IATC)
  228. Peace Foundation Pakistan
  229. People's Watch
  230. Perkumpulan Lintas Feminis Jakarta
  231. Pilchu sewa sansthan 
  232. Planned Parenthood Toronto
  233. Polonia Inclusive
  234. Prattasha Samazik Unnayan Sangstha (PSUS) 
  235. Prerona 
  236. Pride at Work Canada
  237. Principle 17 - for tailored trans health care
  238. Profamilia
  239. Programme d'Actions pour le Developpement au Congo asbl (RDC)
  240. PROMSEX, Centro de Promoción y Defensa de los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos 
  241. Prostitution Information Center
  242. Proyecto sobre Organización, Desarrollo, Educación e Investigación (PODER)
  243. Public Association "Dignity", Kazakhstan
  244. Puentes
  245. PUKAPS
  246. RAÍCES, Análisis de Género para el Desarrollo
  247. Rajaram Mohan Roy SMARAK Sansthan
  248. Realising Sexual and Reproductive Justice (RESURJ)
  249. Red Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir de América Latina y el Caribe
  250. Red de Acceso al Aborto Seguro - REDAAS - Argentina
  251. Red de Médicas por el Derecho a Decidir México 
  252. Red de Mujeres nodo Risaralda 
  253. Red de Salud de las Mujeres Latinoamericanas y del Caribe - RSMLAC 
  254. Red por los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos en México (ddeser)
  255. Red Tú Decides BCS, México 
  256. Rede Médica pelo Direito de Decidir - Doctors for Choice Brasil
  257. REDI Red por los derechos de las personas con discapacidad
  258. Redlactrans 
  259. Regroupement Les sages-femmes du Québec
  260. Rehabilitation Centre for Stress and Trauma
  261. Reportar Sin Miedo
  262. Repro Justice Congo
  263. Rexdale Women's Centre
  264. Rise Up Foundation Nepal
  265. Rural Women and Girls Rights Foundation 
  266. Safe Abortion Action Fund (SAAF)
  267. Sahas sewa sansthan 
  270. Samman vikas samiti
  271. Sandi Nari Songho 
  272. Sannoy
  273. Se.e.m.a.
  274. SENDAS
  275. Sex Workers Network
  276. Sex Workers Network 
  277. Sexual and reproduction Justice Coalition
  278. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters
  279. Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa
  282. SheRee-Altrenative Way of Women Empowerment 
  283. Shongshoptok
  284. Shownirvor Mohila sonstha
  285. Shristy 
  286. Sociedade Portuguesa da Contraceção (SPDC)
  287. Solidarité des jeunes filles pour l'éducation et l'intégration socioprofessionnelle, SOJFEP
  288. Soroptimist International Bangalore 
  289. South Asian Women's Rights Organization
  290. Space Allies (Japan)
  291. SPECTRA
  292. Srijan Mahila VIkash Manch
  293. Sruti Disability Rights Centre 
  294. Supporting People and Rebuilding Communities- SPaRC
  295. Surkuna Ecuador
  296. Swabhimaan
  297. Synergia Initiatives for Human Rights 
  298. Taller Salud
  299. TAMPEP- European Network for the Promotion of Rights and Health among Migrant Sex Workers
  301. The Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies
  302. The Community Agenda 
  303. The Community Health Rights Network. 
  304. The Regional Coalition for Women Human Rights Defenders in South West Asia and North Africa (WHRDMENA)
  305. The RegionalCollectiveofWomenwhoUseDrugs
  306. The Trust and support foundation 
  307. Today's Women International Network
  308. Trans Refugee Initiative Uganda 
  309. Uganda network of sex worker -led organizations(UNESO)
  310. UNASSE, A.C.,
  311. Unifor
  312. Union Fomen Youth  Center Azerbaijan
  313. United Youth for Sustainable Globe Eswatini
  314. Urgent Action Fund for Feminist Activism
  315. Väestöliitto ry
  316. Vecinas Feministas por la Justicia Sexual y Reproductiva en América Latina
  317. Volunteers Welfare for Community Based Care of Zambia (VOWAZA)
  318. We Women Lanka Network 
  319. Welfare Association for Development Alternative (WADA)
  320. West Coast LEAF Association
  321. WGNRR Africa
  322. WILPF member
  323. WILPF UK
  324. Women and Media Collective
  325. Women and Modern World Social Charitable Center(CWMW)
  326. Women Deliver
  327. Women Empowering Women Initiative (WEWIN)
  328. Women Enabled International
  329. Women for Women's Human Rights (WWHR)
  330. Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition (WHRDIC)
  331. Women on Web
  332. Women’s Centre for Social Justice, o/a WomenatthecentrE 
  333. Women’s Health Action 
  334. Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice
  335. Women's Link Worldwide
  336. Women's Positive Empowerment Initiative 
  337. Women's Rights Foundation
  338. Womens rights foundation 
  339. Working Women Community Centre
  340. Women Working Group (WWG)
  341. YEM Kenya
  342. YLBHI (The Indonesia Legal Aid Foundation)
  343. Youth and Women for Change in Eswatini
  344. Youth Chaperon Uganda
  345. Youth Development for Sustainable Bangladesh 
  346. Youth For Change Bangladesh Foundation
  348. Youth Network for Community and Sustainable Development(YNCSD)
  349. YUVA 
  350. Yuva Kalyan Kendra 
  351. YUWA
  352. YWCA Canada
  353. YWCA Hamilton
  354. YWCA Toronto
  355. Общественный фонд "Ваш выбор"
  356. التحالف الإقليمي للمدافعات عن حقوق الإنسان في جنوب غرب آسيا وشمال إفريقيا (WHRDMENA)
  357. الهيئة اللبنانية لمناهضة العنف ضد المرأة LECORVAW 
  358. सेवायतन
  359. Sexual Rights Initiative
  360. Akahata 
  361. ISHR
  362. MSI
  363. Youth Coalition 
  364. Choice for Youth and Sexuality
  365. ARROW
  366. IPAS
  367. AWID



  1. Adelaida Garcia Codina
  2. Ahmed Medhat
  3. Alana Prochuk
  4. Alejandra Garcia Paton
  5. Aleksandar Dimitrijevic
  6. Alessandra Baldacchino
  7. Alessio Perez
  8. Alexandra Samootin
  9. Alicia Tate
  10. Alicia Wallace
  11. Alka Barua
  12. Alka kumari Sinha
  13. Aminata Kamara
  14. Ana Navarrete
  15. ana mafalda ferreira
  16. Andrea Rosales
  17. Andrei Serban
  18. Andreza Trajano
  19. Angelica Macias
  20. Ania Witt
  21. Anika Bushra
  22. Anna Glover
  23. Anthony Vinoth
  24. Anubha Rastogi
  25. Anwen Poole
  26. Arumugam Sankar
  27. Atiqa Ouhajjou
  28. Audrey Waddell
  29. Ayla Emmink
  30. Ayla Büntjen Martínez
  31. Beatriz Gaytan
  32. Belle de Jong
  33. Bernard Bezzina
  34. Bhawna Khattar
  35. Bijayalaxmi Rautaray
  36. Binu Adhikary
  37. Bojana Genov
  38. Camila Rodas
  39. Carlos Valpassos
  40. Carolina Manrique Amorocho
  41. Caroline Tagny
  42. Caroline Brummelhuis
  43. Carrie Covington
  44. Chantelle Murphy
  45. Christie Lockhart
  46. Clara Elena Cardona
  47. Claudia Bonan Jannotti
  48. Cristina Mattison
  49. Cynthia Rothschild
  50. Daniela Zelaya Raudales
  51. Daniela Grech
  52. Daniela Pecolaj
  53. Danielle Calenti
  54. Danilo Bianchini
  55. Daphne lagrou
  56. Daphne Calleja
  57. Daphney Nozizwe Conco
  58. Daren Paul Katigbak
  59. Dayanidas Sudhakar
  60. Debbie Hollis
  61. Deborah Byrne
  62. Deepa  Kumari
  63. Dette mc loughlin
  65. Devi Krieger
  66. Digamber Kumar
  67. Diógenes Parzianello
  68. Diya Batra
  69. Donna George
  70. Dr. Souvik Pyne
  71. Dra. Mónica Jasis
  72. Ekin Akman
  73. Elaine Compagno
  74. Elizabeth Mens
  75. Ellen McCrae
  76. Elsa Schvartzman
  77. Elva Rivera Gómez
  78. Erika Yamada Kubo
  79. Eunita  Atieno
  80. Eusebia Solis
  81. Eva Acosta
  82. Evelyn Violini
  83. Fabio Verani
  84. Fadzai Muparutsa
  85. Farouk Simango
  86. Faryl Palles
  87. Fatou Sow
  88. Felicitas Rossi
  89. Fiona McOwan
  90. Fionna Smyth
  91. Francesca Zammit
  92. Francesca Fenech Conti
  93. Francesca Vella
  94. Gabriela Zavaleta Vera
  95. Gabriela Schaffer
  96. Gabriele Gallo
  97. Gabrielle Devia
  98. Gautam Sagar
  99. Gloria Careaga
  100. Gloria Hammond
  101. Gloria Arminda Villegas
  102. Graciela Séneca
  103. Gulnur Elcik
  104. H Richard Hemmings
  105. Hajer Naceur
  106. Halima Ejaz
  107. Helen Martins
  108. Helena Twarowski
  109. Helena Vardas
  110. Hisako Motoyama
  111. Iara Freire
  112. Irazu Esquivel
  113. Isabel Amarante
  114. Isabel Agatón Santander
  115. Isabel Iturralde Vera
  116. Isis Martin-McKay
  117. Jacqueline Pitanguy
  118. Jake Zammit
  119. Jeanne Conry
  120. Jens Boeye
  121. Jessa Millar
  122. Joana Assunção
  123. Jobair Mahmud
  124. Johanna Chevez
  125. Jojana General
  126. Jorge Apolaya
  127. Joyeeta Hossain
  128. Juan Sebastian Jaime Pardo
  129. Judiac Ranape
  130. Justine MEKUI ELLA
  131. Jyoti Bajpai
  132. Jyoti Kispotta
  133. Karen Paulina Castellanos Vasconcelos
  134. Karina Trujillo
  135. Karl Bartolo
  136. Kiran Singh
  137. Kuldip Chand
  138. Laís Conter
  140. LaRue SLOAN
  141. Laura Ferguson
  142. Laura Luz
  143. Lauren Bowler
  144. Leila Linhares Barsted
  145. Leticia Shitagwa
  146. Liliam Lizeth Canales
  147. Lina Tatiana Lozano Ruiz
  148. Lipi Rahman
  149. Lívia Fontes Mantovani
  150. Liz Darling
  151. Liza Caruana-Finkel
  152. Lorissa Sengara
  153. Lucie Carlini Siegel
  154. Luiza Buchaul
  155. Luz Adriana Mejía
  156. Mahmuda Ridee
  157. Mahnoor sajjad
  158. Majo CORVALAN
  159. MALU CRUZ
  160. Mamata Rijal
  161. Mamun Rashid
  162. Manisha Meem Nipun
  163. Marceline Naudi
  164. Marcelle courtois
  165. Marcia de Avila Berni Leão
  166. Margaret Coe
  167. Margaret Sinclair-Jones
  168. Marge Berer
  169. Maria Alicia Gutierrez
  170. María Edith López Hernández
  171. Maria Elena Schembri
  172. Maria Grazia Srrano
  173. Maria José Fontelas Rosado-Nunes
  174. María Luisa Peralta
  175. María Rosa AVILA
  177. Marie Nougier
  178. Marijke Alblad
  179. Marina Samir
  180. Marinella Matejcic
  181. Marinke van Riet
  182. Marita Obst
  183. Marjan Wijers
  184. Mark Devon Maitim
  185. Marta Vassallo
  186. Martha Calveyra
  187. Martha Verano
  188. Martha Rosenberg
  189. Matina Horvat
  190. Maura Daly
  192. Md Ariful Hasan
  193. Md. Fosiul Ahsan
  194. Meenal Singh
  195. Melanie Wilberforce
  196. Michelle Montague
  197. Mick Abela
  198. Migdalia Camacho
  199. Miguel Gutierrez
  200. Mladen Majetic
  202. Neelam Besra
  203. Neeti NEETI
  204. Neha Sood
  205. Nelly Staderini
  206. Nicola Abela Garrett
  207. Nicoline Nwenushi 
  208. Tumasang Epse Wazeh
  209. Nihal Güngör
  210. Noel Pequenino
  211. Nubia Salas
  212. Oriana López Uribe
  213. Pamela Ogando Souffront
  214. Pâmella Franco Vasconcellos
  215. Paola Romero
  216. Pascale Alexandre
  217. Patricia Schulz
  218. Patricia Moreno Salas
  219. Patricia iturralde
  220. Patricia Buchaul
  221. Paulo Sergio Pereira Conceicao
  222. Peg Pitzer
  223. Pilar Iglesias-Aparicio
  224. Pinar Ilkkaracan
  225. Prabha kumari
  226. Prabha Khosla
  227. Pravesh verma
  228. Priyanka Sinha
  229. Purabi Chowdhury
  230. Rachel Mollet
  231. Raewyn Stone
  233. Renan Simao
  234. Renu devi Vishwakarma
  235. Rocio Rosero Garcés
  236. Rocio Rosas Vargas
  237. Roger Mamo
  238. Runa Bruun
  239. Ruth Mbone
  240. Ruth Miller
  241. Sabita Banerjee
  242. Sabita Dey
  243. Sabrina Dent
  244. Sandhya Mishra
  245. Sandy Calleja Portelli
  246. Sehnaz Kiymaz Bahceci
  247. Semjidmaa Choijil
  248. Shaikh Md. Mominul Islam
  249. Shamima Chowdhury
  250. Shen Mbabazi
  251. Shifah Nakintu
  252. Silvia Camurca
  253. Sofia Novillo Funes
  254. Sourov Saha
  255. Suha Barakat
  256. Suman Kapoor
  257. Sunayana Walia
  258. Susan O'Malley
  259. Susan Mompalao de Piro
  260. Susana torres ortiz
  261. Tabata Tesser
  262. Tamara Braam
  263. Teresa Shields
  264. Thandeka Chauke
  265. Tim Sladden
  266. Tracy Murphy
  267. Ubanu Marma
  268. Udai veer Vishwakarma
  269. Valeria Garcia
  270. Valeria Blum
  271. Valérie Perrault
  272. Vanessa Bonnici
  273. Vanessa Ward
  274. Vanita Mukherjee
  275. Veerle Dams
  276. Verónica Carolina Gonzalez Bonet
  277. Vinka Lozica
  278. Wangui Ndegwa
  279. Wendyam Micheline KABORE
  280. Womba Wanki
  281. Yasmine Azzopardi
  282. Yemisi Ajis
  283. Yuh Tracy Maih
  284. देवयानी वर्मा

42 Anonymous Individual signatories



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