HRC24: SRI Oral Statements

Published on September 20, 2013

During the 24th session of the UN Human Rights Council, the Sexual Rights Initiative (SRI) collaborated with national-level organizations and advocates to deliver oral statements regarding outcomes from the Universal Periodic Review ‘s (UPR) of Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Canada, Colombia, Russia and Uzbekistan.

The SRI also delivered two statements pertaining to agenda item #3 (Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development) on the Decriminalization of Abortion and agenda item #8 (Follow-up and implementation of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action) on the universality of human rights, as it relates to traditional values.

Please see below links to all oral statements delivered by the SRI, with their corresponding video recordings.


SRI: Oral Statement – Response to Azerbaijan’s UPR Outcome


SRI: Oral Statement – Response to Bangladesh’s UPR Outcome


SRI: Oral Statement – Response to Canada’s UPR Outcome


SRI: Oral Statement – Response to Colombia’s UPR Outcome


SRI: Oral Statement – Response to Russia’s UPR Outcome


SRI: Oral Statement – Response to Uzbekistan’s UPR Outcome


SRI: Oral Statement – Agenda Item #3: Decriminalization of Abortion

(Begins at 2:20:55)


SRI: Oral Statement – Agenda Item #8: Traditional Values and the universality of Human Rights

(Begins at 1:04:45)