During the 47th session of the UN Commission on Population and Development (CPD), individuals with diverse sexual orientations and gender identities, and their allies, came together to voice concerns regarding ongoing violations of the human rights of individuals with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions.
This CPD, governments came together to assess progress towards the implementation of the 20-year Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD). Outcomes from the CPD will feed into ongoing discussions regarding the formulation of the Post-2015 development agenda. The statement, delivered during the 5th and final day of the CPD calls on governments to recognize and fulfil the human rights of all people regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression “as a crucial step towards fulfillment of the ICPD commitments and development.” The statement ends by stating that “It is time for governments to acknowledge what we all know to be true: our lives are not negotiable.”
Read the full statement below.
Statement for General Discussion: on behalf of the Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) Caucus
Delivered by: Joel Mark Barredo
Distinguished delegates and friends, I share with you a statement endorsed by 97 organizations from 39 countries.
People with diverse sexual orientations and gender identities and expressions experience crippling violence and debilitating discrimination in all regions of the world.
We are kicked out of housing, bullied out of schools, denied employment and refused the most basic healthcare services, including those related to sexual and reproductive health. Legal and socially condoned discrimination against our communities marginalizes many of us, putting us at additional risk of violence, HIV, and other health problems. Discrimination and stigma further prevents us from seeking or receiving needed care. Too often, the result is preventable suffering, institutional violence and poverty, hindering our enjoyment of the right to development.
The first principle of the ICPD Programme of Action reaffirms that all human beings are born free and equal, without distinction of any kind. Everyone is equally entitled to the enjoyment of all human rights regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
Human rights, equality, and non-discrimination are not “controversial issues.” They are the building blocks of development and are fundamental to ensuring strong societies. The ICPD Programme of Action recognizes the central role that human rights play in the achievement of sustainable development. The attempts to silence discussion about human rights within this Commission are a shameful derogation from the accepted principles and standards of the ICPD Programme of Action. It is also unacceptable for representatives of States to attempt to derail negotiations by manipulating ideas about sexual orientation, gender identity and sexual rights for political gain.
To continue to deny the recognition of these universal human rights and perpetuate hatred, violence and discrimination towards people of diverse sexualities and genders is a disservice to this Commission and the principles it represents.
Despite the attempt by a few to render lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer persons invisible here, we draw strength from the knowledge that we are anything but invisible. In our advocacy, we clearly, publicly, and repeatedly draw attention to the discrimination we face and to our global resistance and activism in the face of adversity.
And we are not alone. In various global spaces, including here at the UN, many countries, including from Asia, Pacific, Southern Africa, and Latin America, have stood up for fulfilling the human rights of all people. They stressed the need to combat human rights violations based on sexual orientation and gender identity if we are to achieve any development goals. We commend the leadership of those who speak up for the recognition of our communities.
The recognition and fulfillment of the human rights and development of all people, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, is a crucial step towards fulfillment of the ICPD commitments and development. It is time for governments to acknowledge what we all know to be true: our lives are not negotiable.
This statement was delivered on behalf of the Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) Caucus at CPD47 and the following 97 organizations from 39 countries endorsed:
- Action Canada for Population and Development, Canada
- Advocates for Youth, Global (U.S.)
- Akahata Equipo de trabajo en Sexualidades y generos, Regional: Latin America
- Alianza por la Solidaridad, Spain
- All Out, USA
- Amnesty International, Global
- Arus Pelangi, Indonesia
- ASEAN Youth Movement, Southeast
- Asia Asian Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women (ARROW),
- Asia-Pacific Association of Transgender People in the Philippines, Philippines
- Astra Youth, Regional: Eastern Europe
- Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice, United States
- Balance Promocion para el Desarrollo y Juventud AC, México
- Believe Out Loud, United States
- Cambodia LGBT Legal Support, Cambodia
- Cambodia Women & Choices, Cambodia
- Cambodia ASEAN & Human Rights, Cambodia
- Cambodia Children & Choices, Cambodia
- Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, Canada
- Center for Creative Initiatives in Health and Popultion (CCIHP), Vietnam
- Centre for Health, Education, Training and Nutrition Awarenss-CHETNA, India
- Chair, Tonga
- CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality, The Netherlands
- Closet de Sor Juana, México
- The Coalition for the Defense of Sexual Rights (CDSR), Nigeria
- COC Netherlands, Netherlands
- Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era, International
- Diverse Voices and Action for Equality, Fiji
- Drodrolagi Movement, Fiji
- Equality Alliance, Philippines
- Equality Myanmar, Myanmar
- Fellowship for Reconciliation, United States
- Fiji Women’s rights movement, Fiji
- Fundacion Arcoiris, México
- GAYa NUSANTARA, Indonesia
- Global Youth Coalition on HIV/AIDS (GYCA), Global
- Grupo de Información en Reproducción Elegida, México
- Haus of Khameleon, Fiji
- HERA – Health Education and Research Association, Macedonia
- Indonesia for Human’s, Indonesia
- INTER-MUJERES, Instituto de Estudios sobre Mujeres, Género y Derecho, Puerto Rico
- International Centre for Sexual Reproductive Rights (INCRESE), Nigeria
- International Community of Women Living with HIV, Global
- International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations, Global
- International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC), International
- International Gays and Lesbians Association, Switzerland
- International HIV/AIDS Alliance, International
- International Women’s Health Coalition, United States
- Ipas, Global
- Italian association for women in development, Italy
- Lesbian and Gay Federation in Germany LSVD, Germany
- LGBT Centre of Mongolia, Mongolia
- LLH-the Norwegian Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Organisation, Norway
- Médicos del Mundo España, España
- Micro Rainbow International, Global
- MONFEMNET National Network Mongolia, Mongolia
- Mongolian Family Welfare Association, Mongolia
- Mouvement pour le Libertés Individuelles / MOLI, Burundi
- Mujer Y Salud en Uruguay MYSU, Uruguay
- Myanmar Youth Stars, Myanmar
- Naripokkho, Bangladesh
- NGOs coalition against FGM,
- Oceania Pride, Fiji Islands
- Pacific Feminist SRHR Coalition, Regional Pacific
- Pacific Sexual Diversity Network, Regional Pacific
- People Like Us, Singapore
- Procuraduria para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos, Nicaragua
- PROFAMILIA Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico
- Rainbow Cambodia Advocate Team, Cambodia
- Rainbow Rights Project, Philippines
- RESURJ: Realizing Sexual and Reproductive Justice, Global
- RFSU/IPPF MA, Sweden
- SAHAYOG, India
- Sayoni, Singapore
- Sensoa, Belgium
- Shirkat Gah, Pakistan
- Society Against Sexual Orientation Discrimination (SASOD), Guyana
- Sonke Gender Justice
- Spectrum Uganda, Uganda
- STRAP (Society of Transsexual Women of the Philippines), Philippines
- The YP Foundation, India
- Think Centre, Singapore
- UniBAM, Belize
- Urgent Action Fund-Africa, Kenya
- Vien Tanjung: Indonesia for Human’s, Indonesia
- Voice for Change, Jiwaka Province, Papua New Guinea
- WISH2.Be, Belgium
- Women Deliver, International
- Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights (WGNRR), Global
- YouAct: European Youth Network on Sexual and Reproductive Rights, European Region
- Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights, Global
- YSAFE (Youth Sexual Awareness for Europe), Belgium