The Sexual Rights Initiative (SRI) is pleased to announce the publication of the UNFPA report Lessons From the First Cycle of the Universal Periodic Review: From Commitment to Action on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.

Developed by the UNFPA and based on research and analysis conducted by Action Canada for Population and Development (ACPD) on behalf of the SRI, the report examines the role the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) mechanism can play in advancing the realization of human rights related to sexuality and gender at the global, regional and country levels.

Included among the key findings of the report:

  • 26% of all recommendations and voluntary commitments made during the first cycle of the UPR pertained to SRHR (5,720).
  • The largest proportion of SRHR-related recommendations pertain to human rights instruments, gender equality, GBV and women’s human rights. Fewer recommendations have been made on contraception (including family planning), early pregnancy, sex work, and sexuality education.
  • States from the Western Europe and Others Group and Latin America and the Caribbean have made the most recommendations related to SRHR while the African region has made the fewest.
  • The 10 top States making SRHR related recommendations are Spain, Canada, Norway, Slovenia, Brazil, Argentina, France, Mexico, Netherlands, and Algeria.

While drawing on the SRI’s UPR Sexual Rights Database, the report assesses the attention the UPR has given to these issues during its first cycle and identifies ways to enhance this level of attention through all stages of the UPR process by multiple stakeholders.

The report is currently available in English and will be officially launched in Geneva on 31 October during the 20th UPR session.

Read the Report


Want to know more about the SRI’s UPR Sexual Rights Database? The database allows you to access and search all the sexual rights related recommendations and references made during the UPR through several categories including: State under Review, Source of Reference, Type of Reference and Thematic Issue.


Click here to access the database

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