57th session - United Nations Human Rights Council
General Debate Item 3
Joint Statement by Action Canada for Population and Development and Global Network of Sex Work Projects Limited
Thank you, President.
My name is Hajjara Batte Sanyu and I am a sex worker from Uganda. I make this statement on behalf of sex workers globally, whose voices are too often silenced and excluded from discussions and decisions that affect our lives.
Criminalisation, stigma, and discrimination continue to restrict our access to fundamental human rights and to meaningful participation. These barriers lead to harmful laws which increase poverty and violence, and limit our access to essential health services.
Sex workers are habitually denied opportunities to participate in international human rights platforms, such as the HRC. Many of us are refused visas and lack funding to travel and participate in UN processes. Human rights are universal. You cannot promote the human rights of some people while excluding others.
We call on the UN and member states to ensure that sex workers are included in all discussions that affect us. Sex work is work, and we are the experts in our own lives.
Thank you.