HRC 57: Journalists for Human Rights & SRI Statement to North Macedonia's UPR adoption

We urge the government to prioritise the development of a national plan for the inclusion of comprehensive sexuality education in school curricula as a mandatory subject. Access to comprehensive sexuality education will empower them to make informed decisions about their bodies, sexual and reproductive health, sexuality, and relationships. Comprehensive sexuality education is crucial for promoting gender equality, reducing violence, and enhancing the well-being of students across North Macedonia.

HRC 57: SRI Statement to the Panel discussion on th​e implementation of States’ obligations on the role of the family in supporting the human rights of its members

The principle of universality must be applied to challenge which families are considered to be worthy of state protection and therefore which family members are entitled to human rights, according to the state. At this very moment, we are witnessing families being decimated in service of a racist, colonial state and its expansionist aspirations. Are these family members not entitled to human rights?

HRC 57: NSWP & SRI Statement on General debate item 3

Sex workers are habitually denied opportunities to participate in international human rights platforms, such as the HRC. Many of us are refused visas and lack funding to travel and participate in UN processes. Human rights are universal. You cannot promote the human rights of some people while excluding others.

HRC 57 SRI statement to the Interactive dialogue with the Expert Mechanism on the right to development

The study is crucial in a context of willful denial by many Global North states of the right to development, its collective dimensions, and its aim of ending economic colonialism and dependency - the same states that directly benefit from our unequal international economic order.

HRC 57: SRI statement to the Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on water and sanitation

Instead of continuing on this destructive path, he challenges us all to rethink the ways in which water is valued, managed and utilized in order to strengthen communities, to repair our poisoned ecosystems and to better understand the connections between water, territory and our bodies.

CDH 57: Declaración de SRI en el Diálogo interactivo con el Relator Especial sobre medidas coercitivas unilaterales

Los Estados que imponen sanciones aseguran que éstas se proponen mejorar las vidas de las mujeres y otras personas marginadas, pero siguen desestimando la evidencia de que las sanciones agravan la opresión de género, raza y clase.

CDH 57: Declaración de SRI en el Diálogo interactivo con la Experta independiente sobre los derechos de las personas de edad

También valoramos mucho la referencia a la Convención Interamericana sobre los Derechos de las Personas Mayores, porque en su enfoque integral incluye los derechos sexuales. Las personas mayores, incluyendo las personas LGBT, así como las personas con discapacidad, a menudo son tratadas como si no tuvieran una vida sexual.

HRC 57: SRI statement to the Interactive dialogue with the Independent Expert on the rights of older persons

Older persons, including LGBT ones, as well as persons with disabilities are often treated as if they did not have a sexual life. LGBT older persons are discriminated against in residencies and by their families. Their autonomy is frequently violated, including in deciding where and with whom to live and even preventing them from having a sexual life.