HRC 56: LALAYAT Statement to the Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls

The first form of violence is that people refuse to hear our voices and impose moral judgments against us. Our voices as sex workers must be heard. To protect ourselves from violence, we need labor law, the recognition of sex work as work, and respect for our choices as sex workers.

À quoi s’attendre de l’EPU 46

La 46e session de l’Examen périodique universel aura lieu du 29 avril aud 10 mai 2024. Toutes les sessions d’examen seront diffusées en direct sur la Web TV de l'ONU. 14 pays font l'objet d'un examen au cours de la session : Nouvelle-Zélande, Afghanistan, Chili, Chypre, Uruguay, Yémen, Vanuatu, Macédoine du Nord, Comores, Slovaquie, Érythrée, Viet Nam, République dominicaine et Cambodge.

Qué esperar del EPU 46

La 46.ª sesión del Examen Periódico Universal se llevará a cabo del 29 de abril al 10 de mayo de 2024. Todas las sesiones del Examen se transmitirán en vivo por la Web TV de la ONU. Durante la sesión se examinarán 14 países: Nueva Zelanda, Afganistán, Chile, Chipre, Uruguay, Yemen, Vanuatu, Macedonia del Norte, Comoras, Eslovaquia, Eritrea, Vietnam, República Dominicana y Camboya.

What to expect at UPR 46

The 46th session of the Universal Periodic will take place from 29 April to 10 May 2024. All of the review sessions will be live-streamed on UN Web TV. 14 Countries are under review during the session: New Zealand, Afghanistan, Chile, Cyprus, Uruguay, Yemen, Vanuatu, North Macedonia, Comoros, Slovakia, Eritrea, Viet Nam, Dominican Republic and Cambodia.