We welcome the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) for addressing the pressing issue of racial discrimination in the enjoyment of the right to health and welcome the opportunity to provide inputs to its Draft General recommendation n° 37. The suggested changes to the Draft General Recommendation proposed in this document are based on the joint submission[i], and focuses on the impact of systemic racism on global health systems, and consequent impact on people. We welcome the reference to sexual and reproductive freedom, and the specific subsection on forced sterilization and protection of migrants’ rights in the Draft General Recommendation. We urge the Committee to strengthen language on colonialism, reparations and on private actors and privatisation as will be discussed in this submission.
[i] The full submission is available here: https://www.sexualrightsinitiative.org/resources/submission-committee-elimination-racial-discrimination-racial-discrimination-and-right