Human Rights Council - 48th Session
Outcome of the Universal Periodic Review - Somalia
Thank you, President
Action Canada makes this statement on behalf of the Somali Women Development Centre and the Sexual Rights Initiative.
We welcome Somalia’s acceptance of recommendations focusing on ensuring greater protection and realisation of sexual and reproductive rights, gender equality and women’s rights and ending violence against women.
Although laws around gender equality and women’s rights in Somalia have advanced in the past years, there are important gaps that need addressing to effectively guarantee and protect women’s rights. If the recommendations are to have a positive impact on the lives of women and girls in Somalia, the government will need to take urgent and decisive action by:
- Passing an updated and comprehensive law addressing sexual and gender-based violence with based on survivor center approach and in line with national international standards, in addition government should
- Updating and adapting a comprehensive national action plan of sexual violence.
- Developing and adopting a national action plan for the implementation of Resolution 1325
- Allocating resources to support judicial, health and social services
- Prosecuting and investigation of all SGBV cases
- Signing and ratify CEDAW and other international treaties for the protection of women’s rights.
- Adopting comprehensive legislation and policies for abolishing child, early and forced marriage.
Thank you