Инициатива по защите Сексуальных Прав (ИЗСП) - это коалиция национальных и региональных организаций, базирующихся в Канаде, Польше, Индии, Египте, Аргентине которые работают вместе для продвижения прав человека, связанных с сексуальностью, в Организации Объединенных Наций (ООН).


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- сентября 13
Older persons, including LGBT ones, as well as persons with disabilities are often treated as if they did not have a sexual life. LGBT older persons are discriminated against in residencies and by their families. Their autonomy is frequently violated, including in deciding where and with whom to live and even preventing them from having a sexual life.
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- сентября 12
We appreciate the Special Rapporteur’s efforts to hear directly from sex workers in Canada who are experts in their own lives and have solutions to the harms caused by the criminalization of sex work. This is a fundamental principle of human rights - those who are most impacted have a right to participate in the decisions that affect them. We urge Canada and other Special Procedure mandates to heed this principle.
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- сентября 11
Without addressing oppressive systems, particularly the global financial architecture and its impact, human rights are a distant dream. Given the urgent need to reform the global financial architecture, how can the HRC and other actors ensure that efforts to promote economic, social, and cultural rights do not remain superficial? If the underlying financial systems driving global inequalities are not addressed, it will all remain window-dressing.
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A person with information papers surrounding her.Тренинги

Хотите узнать больше о нашей работе в системе ООН по правам человека или сотрудничать с нами? Узнайте больше о возможных тренингах и вебинарах здесь!


Предстоящие тренировки

An upside down world map with patterns on the back.Наши базы данных

ИЗСП разработала несколько баз данных, чтобы помочь людям продвигающим права общественности, политикам, учреждениям ООН и дипломатам в их адвокации за сексуальное и репродуктивное здоровье и прав на национальном и международном уровнях.

