
Uploaded on May 07, 2019

This toolkit was developed to help individuals and organisations dedicated to advancing a feminist social change agenda—an agenda that believes that all development and social justice must be rooted in gender and social equality. It is based on the assumption that such processes require a diff erent type of leadership, what we may term ‘Transformative Feminist Leadership’ (TFL). Both feminism and Transformative Feminist Leadership are defi ned and explained in more detail in the following section (Module 1).

Uploaded on May 01, 2019

The UPR mechanism of the United Nations Human Rights Council is used to review each of the 193 Member States of the UN on its entire human rights record every four and a half years. Although relatively new, it is a powerful tool to hold governments accountable for sexual and reproductive rights violations, and to advocate for changes to particular laws and policies that impact on human rights related to sexuality.