UPR Submissions - 47th session
UPR Submissions - 45th Session
HRC 53 Hi Voices, the Pact and SRI Statment to Pakistan's UPR
HRC 53 Alliance for Accountability Advocates Zambia (AAAZ) and SRI Statement to Zambia's UPR
HRC 53 Youth Action Movement-Ghana (YAM-Gh) and SRI Statement to Ghana's Outcome of the UPR
HRC 52 SRI, Human Touch Foundation and the PACT Statement to India UPR Outcomes
UPR Submissions - 42nd session
The 42nd session of the Universal Periodic review begins on the 23rd of January 2023. The working group session will take place from 23 January to 3 February 2023. 13 Countries will be under review during the session: Czechia, Gabon, Benin, Switzerland, Argentina, Ghana, Guatemala, the Republic of Korea, Pakistan, Japan, Sri Lanka and Zambia. In collaboration with our partners, the SRI collaborated on reports for Guatemala, Japan, Pakistan, Switzerland and Zambia.
UPR Submissions - 41st session
The 41st session of the Universal Periodic review begins on the 7th of November 2022, and this session marks the beginning of the fourth cycle of the UPR. The working group session will take place from 7 November to 18 November 2022. 14 Countries will be under review during the session: Bahrain, Ecuador, Tunisia, Morocco, Indonesia, Finland, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, India, Brazil, Philippines, Algeria, Poland, Netherlands and South Africa. In collaboration with our partners, the SRI collaborated on reports for South Africa, India, Poland and the Netherlands.
UPR 43 Botswana Submission - Sisonke Botswana, ASWA and SRI
Whilst the buying and selling of sex is not llegal in Botswana, there are a number of legal provisions in place that prohibit a wide range of activities associated with sex work such as soliciting clients, public indecency or living on the earnings of sex work. This means that sex work is nevertheless criminalised - a status quo that poses a material risk to sex workers, and violates their rights to work, to health, to bodily autonomy and to be free from violence.
UPR 43 Romania Submission: ACCEPT, ECPI and SRI
The Romanian Constitution guarantees equal treatment of all citizens before the law and public authorities, without any privilege or discrimination. This includes explicit reference to sexual orientation as a protected ground, and legal protection against hate crimes. Despite this, Romania is not respecting, protecting and fulfilling a broad range of rights related to sexuality and gender, particularly as pertains to sexual and reproductive health and rights. This failure is marked by an inability to provide adequate access to contraceptives, the lack of accessibility and availability of abortion services despite abortion being legal in the country, and the failure to invest in HIV/AIDS programming to prevent new cases in the country.
UPR Submissions - 42nd session
The 42nd session of the Universal Periodic review begins on the 23rd of January 2023. The working group session will take place from 23 January to 3 February 2023. 13 Countries will be under review during the session: Czechia, Gabon, Benin, Switzerland, Argentina, Ghana, Guatemala, the Republic of Korea, Pakistan, Japan, Sri Lanka and Zambia. In collaboration with our partners, the SRI collaborated on reports for Guatemala, Japan, Pakistan, Switzerland and Zambia.
UPR Submissions - 43rd session
The 43rd session of the Universal Periodic review begins on 1 May 2023. The working group session will take place from 1 to 12 May 2023. 14 Countries will be under review during the session: France,Tonga, Romania, Mali, Botswana, the Bahamas, Burundi, Luxembourg, Barbados, Montenegro, the United Arab Emirates, Israel, Liechtenstein and Serbia. In collaboration with our partners, the SRI collaborated on reports for Romania and Botswana.
UPR 42 Zambia Submission - ZASWA, ASWA and SRI
Current discourse about the nature of sex work in Zambia and the experiences of sex workers is narrow. Discussions on laws criminalising sex work are often informed by arguments on morality. Morality is a complex and subjective issue, heavily informed by patriarchal, religious norms and standards - criminal laws must comply with international human rights standards.
UPR 42 Zambia Submission - Zoe Janice Health Foundation, SRHR Africa Trust Zambia, The PACT, SRI
2. This joint submission assesses the Zambian Government’s human rights record since the third cycle of UPR in 2017, and highlights some of the emerging or increasing challenges, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. It specifically assesses Government’s fulfilment of adolescent and young people’s sexual reproductive health and rights, providing follow-up recommendations on key areas of concern Government should prioritise in the coming cycle.
UPR 42 Pakistan Submission - Hi Voices, The PACT and SRI
This submission, prepared ahead of the 4th Cycle of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) for the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, examines the challenges faced by the young people living with HIV in Pakistan in relation to HIV, AIDS treatment and human rights.
UPR 42 Guatemala Submission - REDJUAMUGEN, The PACT and SRI
This report is submitted by REDJUAMUGEN, The PACT and SRI and the Sexual Rights Initiative (SRI). This report is the result of a consultation convened to contribute to the UPR in Guatemala, led and implemented by REDJUAMUGEN, was carried out through a multisectoral analysis. This identified the needs and demands of Guatemalan youth, guaranteeing the gender approach by investigating the current national situation in different sectors, forming a holistic analysis, then generating milestones to formulate recommendations for the country and the diverse Guatemalan youth.
UPR 41 South Africa Submission - SRHR Africa Trust, the PACT, and SRI
In this joint submission, we examine the Government of South Africa’s human rights record since its third-cycle universal periodic review (UPR) in 2017. Specifically, we assess the government’s fulfilment of adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health and rights. To this end, we analyse South Africa’s implementation of recommendations received relating to these issues and provide specific, action-orientated follow-up recommendations at the conclusion of this submission. Between the 9th and 10th of March 2022, 15 youth led, serving and focused organizations in South Africa convened in person and virtually to deliberate on how COVID-19 has affected the HIV, SRHR and GBV/F outcomes of adolescents and young people in their diversity.
UP 41 Poland Submission - Foundation for Women and Family Planning (FEDERA) and SRI
This report is submitted jointly by the Federation for Women and Family Planning, Poland and the Sexual Rights Initiative. The report focuses on violations of women’s sexual and reproductive rights in Poland and the stark impact of the restriction on abortion introduced in November 2020 that amounts to quasi total abortion ban in Poland. The report also addresses barriers in access to contraception, neglect and demonisation of comprehensive sexuality education, and the decrease in ante-natal care.
UPR 41 India Submission - Human Touch Foundation, the PACT and SRI
This submission, prepared ahead of the 4th Cycle of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) for the Republic of India, looks at the challenges faced by the adolescent and youth population in India in relation to their sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), HIV and human rights. Three key issues, in particular, that affect the country’s adolescents and young people, i.e., SRHR including abortion for adolescents and youth with disabilities and HIV (AL&YPLHIV) have been researched. The report also provides recommendations to the state of India with respect to these issues.
HRC50 - Girls Awake, Peer to Peer Uganda, the PACT, and SRI Statement to the outcome of the UPR for Uganda
Statement by Girls Awake, Peer to Peer Uganda, the PACT, and the Sexual Rights Initiative at the 50th session of the Human Rights Council on the outcome of the Universal Periodic Review for Uganda.
UPR Submissions - 40th Session
Joint SRI and national partner submissions on Uganda, Venezuela, and Sudan for the 40th Universal Periodic Review.
UPR Submissions 37th Session
Submissions for the 37th UPR for Georgia, Nepal, Rwanda and Saint Lucia
HRC40 -Item 6: UPR Nigeria
HRC40 -Item 6: UPR Nigeria
Flyer - Advancing Human Rights and Access to Justice in the AIDS Response: Now More than Ever
UPR Submissions - 17th session
Country: Belize
Collaborators: SRI, United Belize Advocacy Movement
Key Words: Sexual orientation and gender identity; Human rights; Right to education; Discrimination; Sexual and reproductive rights; HIV/AIDS; Stigma.
Country: China
Collaborators: SRI
Key Words: Sexual orientation and gender identity; Right to freedom of expression; Right to education; Right to health.
Country: Malaysia
UPR Submissions - 18th session
Country: Afghanistan
Collaborators: SRI, Afghan Family Guidance Association & International Planned Parenthood Federation (South Asia Regional Office)
Key Words: HIV/AIDS; People who inject drugs; Discrimination; Stigma; Health Systems Strengthening; Access to Services; Education; Availability of Services; Accessibility of Services.
Country: Cambodia
UPR Submissions - 28th session
Country: Guatemala
Collaborators: SRI, La Colectiva Mujeres, Derechos Sexuales
Key Words: Violencia de género, Violencia sexual, Embarazos no deseados en adolescentes y jóvenes, Derechos humanos de niñas y adolescentes, Femicidios, Acceso a la Justicia, LGTBI
Country: Ghana
Collaborators: SRI, Sisters of the Heart, Centre for Popular Education Human Rights in Ghana (CEPEHRG)
A/HRC/30/L.17 Contribution of the Human Right Council to the high-level meeting on HIV/AIDS in 2016
The Human Rights Council,
Recalling Human Rights Council resolutions 12/27 of 2 October 2009, 15/22 of 30 September 2010 and 16/28 of 25 March 2011, and relevant Commission on Human Rights resolutions,
Reaffirming the Political Declarations on HIV/AIDS adopted by the General Assembly on 2 June 2006 and 8 July 2011, and the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS, adopted by the Assembly on 27 June 2001,
UPR Submissions - 31th session
Country: Mexico
Collaborators: SRI,Musas de Metal Grupo de Mujeres Gay A.C.
Key Words: Derechos sexuales y reproductivos; salud y diversidad sexual; LGBTTTI; mujeres; lesbianas; bisexuales; trans; discriminación; matrimonio de personas del mismo sexo; familias homoparentales y lesbomaternales; reproducción asistida; maternidad subrogada; terapias de conversión; violencia; feminicidios.
Country: Nigeria
Collaborators: SRI, Queer Alliance Nigeria
HRC31 Panel discussion on the progress in and challenges of addressing human rights issues in the context of efforts to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic by 2030
Human Rights Council – 31st session
Panel discussion on the progress in and challenges of addressing human rights issues in the context of efforts to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic by 2030 – 11 March 2016
Statement by Action Canada for Population and Development
Item 6 – Portugal UPR
Human Rights Council – Agenda Item 6 – Universal Periodic Review – Portugal
HRC27 - Item 6: Adoption of UPR outcome on Dominica
Item 6 - Universal Periodic Review – Dominica – Adoption of UPR outcome on Dominica – September, 2013
HRC25 – Consideration of Malaysia’s UPR Outcome
Human Rights Council – 25th session – March 2014
Consideration of Malaysia’s UPR Outcome – Statement by Action Canada for Population and Development
HRC25 - Item 6: Consideration of Belize’s UPR Outcome
Human Rights Council – 25th session – March 2014
Item 6: Consideration of Belize’s UPR Outcome - Statement by Action Canada for Population and Development
HRC25: High-Level Dialogue on Sexual Violence in DRC
HRC25: High-Level Dialogue on Sexual Violence in DRC
Thank you Mr. President.
I make this statement on behalf of the Sexual Rights Initiative.
We welcome Security Council Resolution 2122, which invites the Secretary General to commission a global study on the implementation of Resolution 1325. We also welcome HRC Resolution 24/27, highlighting the persistence of a very high level of cases of sexual violence, used as a weapon of war in conflict, and the recommendations contained therein.
HRC25 - Agenda Item #3 – General Debate
HRC25 - Agenda Item #3 – General Debate
UPR Submissions - 6th session
Country: Cambodia
Collaborators: SRI, People Health Development Association
Key Words: Sexual and Reproductive Rights of Young People; Sex Work; Sexual Violence; Sexual Transmitted Infections; HIV; Human Rights of Women; Discrimination Against Women; Gender-Based Violence
Country: Costa Rica
Collaborators: SRI, Mulabi-Costa Rica
UPR Submissions - 5th session
UPR Submissions - 5th session
UPR Submissions - 4th session
UPR Submissions - 4th session
UPR Submissions - 3rd session
UPR Submissions - 3rd session
HRC31 - Panel discussion on the progress in and challenges of addressing human rights issues in the context of efforts to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic by 2030
Human Rights Council – 31st session
Panel discussion on the progress in and challenges of addressing human rights issues in the context of efforts to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic by 2030 – 11 March 2016
Statement by Action Canada for Population and Development
Item 6: Universal Periodic Review Outcomes: Sudan
Human Rights Council – 33rd session
Item 6: Universal Periodic Review Outcomes: SUDAN
Statement by Action Canada for Population and Development
What happened at HRC38
The 38th session of the UN Human Rights Council took place from June 18 to July 6, 2018. Below you will find information on some of the key sexual rights related resolutions, oral statements and annual discussions. All of which the Sexual Rights Initiative (SRI) was engaged with during the session.
Featured News
Concern with UN Women’s Consultation on Sex Work
A fundamental principle of human rights is the equal right to participate in political and public affairs. This is guaranteed by Article 25 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as well as other several human rights instruments, and is a key component of a human rights based approach which seeks to eliminate marginalization and discrimination in the development of laws and policies.
Sexual Rights at UPR25
The 25th session of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) was held at the UN Human Rights Council, in Geneva, from 2-13 May 2016. Below are some sexual rights related highlights from each UPR25 review.
UN CESCR Adopts General Comment on Right to Sexual and Reproductive Health
The Sexual Rights Initiative (SRI) welcomes the Committee on Economic Social and Cultural Rights’ General Comment 22 on the Right to Sexual and Reproductive Health, adopted in March 2016. The SRI actively engaged in the development of the General Comment (See SRI submission to the General Day of Discussion) and believes that General Comment 22 makes a valuable contribution to the realization of sexual and reproduction health and rights for all.
Highlights: Sexual Rights at HRC31
The 31st session of the UN Human Rights Council took place from the 29th of February to the 24th of March 2016. Here is a recap of sexual rights related resolutions, panels, statements and events at the session.
HRC31: SRI Oral Statements
During the 31st session of the UN Human Rights Council, the SRI collaborated with national-level organizations and advocates to deliver oral statements regarding outcomes from the Universal Periodic Review ‘s (UPR) of five countries:
Sexual Rights at HRC31
The 31st session of the UN Human Rights Council will take place from the 29th of February to the 24th of March 2016. Find below information about anticipated sexual rights-related resolutions, panels and reports, UPR outcomes and parallel events taking place during the 31st session.
HRC30: Sexual Rights Recap
The following is an overview from the 30th session of the UN Human Rights Council. It includes resolutions, panels and discussions, statements and parallel events related to sexual rights of which the SRI was engaged with during the session.
HRC27: SRI Oral Statements
During the 27th session of the UN Human Rights Council, the Sexual Rights Initiative (SRI) collaborated with national-level organizations and advocates to deliver oral statements regarding outcomes from the Universal Periodic Review ‘s (UPR) of Costa Rica, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Dominica, Nicaragua, Norway and Portugal.
CEDAW statement on sexual and reproductive health and rights
The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), at its recently concluded session, issued a statement on sexual and reproductive health and rights, which is its contribution to the ICPD@20 review process. The Committee reminds us that it “has observed that failure of a State party to provide services and the criminalisation of some services that only women require is a violation of women’s reproductive rights and constitutes discrimination against them.” It States that “the provision of, inter alia, safe abortion and post abortion care; maternity care; timely diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV), breast and reproductive cancers, and infertility; as well as access to accurate and comprehensive information about sexuality and reproduction, are all part of the right to sexual and reproductive health” and that “every State can and should do more to ensure the full respect, protection and fulfilment of sexual and reproductive rights, in line with human rights obligations.”
SRI collaborates with national organizations and activists in preparation for UPR19
SRI collaborates with national organizations and activists in preparation for UPR19