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Collaborating with the SRI

The Sexual Rights Initiative (SRI) has collaborated with nearly 200 organizations, groups, and individuals in over 100 countries to prepare stakeholder submissions for the Universal Periodic Review (UPR).

A meeting of people exchanging ideas.

This has proven to be a successful strategy to maximize advocacy efforts—sexual rights advocates in the country being reviewed have first-hand knowledge of the national context and the SRI has extensive knowledge of the Human Rights Council. By combining our strengths, sexual rights issues become more visible during the UPR process. Starting in 2018, the SRI has also increased its participation in Treaty Monitoring Body (TMB) reviews.

For both the Universal Periodic Review and the Treaty Monitoring Body reviews, the SRI can provide technical assistance with the preparation of UPR stakeholder submissions and TMB shadow reports, practical guidance regarding advocacy with UN Member States and TMB members, advice to advocates attending TMB sessions or the Human Rights Council for the UPR, and information on important deadlines and requirements for participation. Collaboration with the SRI on stakeholder reports has no cost implications.

Please contact us at [email protected] if you would like to collaborate with the SRI for your country’s UPR or TMB review.



SRI delivers human rights trainings related to sexuality and gender to advocates and activists from different countries, contexts, and constituencies. We can also play a supportive role for advocates wanting to deepen their engagement at the Human Rights Council, Universal Periodic Review, Special Procedures, and Treaty Monitoring Bodies through information-sharing, advice, and opportunities for joint initiatives. 

We can tailor workshops, seminars, and trainings to your needs and budget and also provide orientation sessions for activists new to Geneva spaces.

Watch this space for upcoming training opportunities and webinars or contact us at [email protected] for more information.


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