
In this section you will find resources, tools, publications, and useful links from the SRI and SRI partners as well as other organizations and UN bodies.
A picture of a person leaning on an illustration folder with papers.

Databases / Tools

The SRI has developed digital tools to assist advocates, policy-makers, UN agencies, and diplomats in their sexual and reproductive health and rights advocacy at national and international levels.


The Sexual Rights UPR Database compiles all the sexual rights related recommendations and references made during the Universal Periodic Review through several categories, including: State under Review, Recommending State, Review Documentation, Sessions, and Thematic Issue. It also includes information on the implementation of recommendations to help track each State’s progress on human rights. It can be used to reveal overall trends in content and quality of recommendations, which are essential for refining the process and addressing gaps related to laws and policies on sexual and reproductive rights.

The database is updated on a rolling basis following the adoption of each UPR outcome report.

The Sexual Rights Law and Policy Database is an online database that compiles information from national Constitutions, laws, and policies related to the full spectrum of sexual rights, including reproductive rights and sexual and reproductive health. It seeks to help strengthen the respect, protection, and fulfillment of sexual rights at the national, regional, and international levels. Users can search by country or issue and can compare across countries.

The innovative toolkit Sexual Rights & The Universal Periodic Review: A Toolkit for Advocates was developed as part of an ongoing collaboration between IPPF and the SRI to advance sexual rights and reproductive rights through the United Nations Universal Periodic Review process (which is used to review each of the 193 Member States of the UN on its entire human rights record every four and a half years). The UPR is a powerful tool to hold governments accountable for sexual and reproductive rights violations and to advocate for changes to particular laws and policies that impact on human rights related to sexuality.

Launched in July 2013, the UN Resources Tool is an initiative developed collaboratively by the International Planned Parenthood Federation/Western Hemisphere Region and the Sexual Rights Initiative. This Tool aims to improve the accessibility of UN language and information in order to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights during intergovernmental negotiations.


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