In support of International Safe Abortion Day (28 September 2019), and on behalf of 353 organizations and 534 persons, we delivered a joint statement on reproductive justice and abortion at the 42nd session of the Human Rights Council. This statement was developed by the Sexual Rights Initiative, the Center for Reproductive Rights, the Sexual and Reproductive Justice Coalition, Ipas, the Asia-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women, the Association for Women’s Rights in Development, and CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality and built on previous joint statements on abortion delivered at the Council in 2017 and 2018.
Thank you very much to all the organizations and persons who contributed, signed on and helped us disseminate the statement!
You can read the statement and the list of signatories below in English, French, Spanish, Arabic and Russian:
A shorter version of the statement was delivered to the Human Rights Council under Item 8 General Debate. You can watch the official UN webcast of the statement here.
You will find here the statement visuals. We also made a video of the full statement read by partners who supported and contributed to the statement.
Watch it here (with closed captions in English, Spanish and French):