Some of the barriers states need to address are the criminalisation of providers, women, girls, pregnant people, and those people who, provided information or accompanied others to have abortions, abortion stigma, unavailability of the full range of options1, third-party authorisations, the requirement of multiple signatures from health workers, unrealistic gestational limits, mandatory waiting time and prohibitive costs. The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the impact of consistent de-funding and de-prioritisation of health broadly and SRHR specifically, and resulted in further health budget cuts as states applied a business model to economic recovery. “For instance, more than 54% of the countries planning to cut their social protection budget in 2023 as part of new austerity measures already offer minimal to no maternity and child support.”2
Public health expenditure and universal healthcare systems cannot be deprioritised! In fact, several studies link them to higher well-being.3 Yet, externally imposed measures like austerity and fiscal consolidation for debt repayments have put health systems in extreme crisis and the lessons of the Pandemic are forgotten as countries face new crises exacerbating gender inequality.
As we commemorate international safe abortion day, we call on all states to fully decriminalize abortion, ensure the right to safe and legal abortion, through a robust and strengthened public health system, adopt progressive policies and laws that prioritize and uphold the right to bodily autonomy, and heed the voices of activists and human rights defenders.
- Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada
- AbortionData
- Accountability International
- Action 4 Change Sénégal
- Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights
- Actions pour la Réinsertions Sociale de la Femme "ARSF"
- ADEM en la Campaña Nacional por el Derecho al Aborto Legal Seguro y Gratuito
- AFFIDARE - Asociación de Feministas Independientes y Diversxs de Arequipa
- Africa Sex Workers Alliance
- African Youth Safe Abortion Alliance (AYOSA)
- Afrikagrupperna
- Akahata AC
- Al-Haq
- ALCE (Abolición de Lógicas de Castigo y Encierro)
- Aliança Nacional LGBTI+
- Amnesty International
- Ars Socialis, A.C.
- Articulación Feminista Campaña 28 septiembre Bolivia
- Asamblea Permanente por los derechos humanos
- Asia Pacific Alliance for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
- Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA)
- Asociación Civil Florentina
- Asociación Civil Mujeres en Línea
- Asociación Coordinadora de la Mujer
- Asociación Igualdad y Desarrollo
- Asociación LADECOM
- Asociatia Hnic
- Associate Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
- Association Congolaise pour les Droits et la Santé
- Association ESE, North Macedonia
- Association HERA XXI MA Georgia IPPFEN
- Association pour la Conservation et la Protection des Écosystèmes des Lacs et l'Agriculture Durable
- Awake Youth Relief Agency
- Banana Club
- BAPSA (Association for Prevention of Septic Abortion , Bangladesh)
- Beyond Beijing Committee
- Beyond Beijing Committee Nepal
- Black Queer DocX (BQDX)
- Bridges2Health&Rights
- Cameroon Young Jurists Legal Resource Center (CYJULERC)
- Canadian Alliance for Sex Work Law Reform
- Canadian Association of Midwives
- Canadian Association Of Racialized Midwives
- Canadian Midwifery Regulators Council
- Canadian Voice of Women for Peace
- Casa Rara
- Cátedra El Rol del Psicologx. Facultad de Psicología. Universidad de Buenos Aires
- Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir - Bolivia
- Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir - Colombia
- Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir / Bolivia
- Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir El Salvador
- CEDAW Committee of Trinidad and Tobago
- Center for Biological Diversity
- Center for Human Rights - University of Pretoria
- Center for Reproductive Rights
- Center for Sustainable Community Development (SCODE)
- Centre de santé des femmes de Montréal
- Centre for Environment, Human Rights & Development Forum - CEHRDF
- Centre for Girls and Interaction (CEGI)
- Centre for Solutions Journalism
- Centre for Youth Empowerment and Civic Education
- Centro de Derechos de Mujeres - Honduras
- Centro de Estudios de Estado y Sociedad (CEDES)
- Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS)
- Centro de Promoción y Defensa de Derechos Humanos y Género CEPRODEG
- Centro Ecuatoriano para la Promoción y Acción de las Mujeres - CEPAM Guayaquil
- Centro Mujeres AC
- Chambal Media
- CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality
- CLACAI, Consorcio Latinoamericano Contra el Aborto Inseguro
- Clear Vision for Change
- Clínica Medieg servicios en SS&R
- Clinique des femmes de l'Outaouais
- CODISE -Cohesión de Diversidades para la Sustentabilidad, Asociación Civil-
- Colectivo Esmeralda
- Colectivo Rebeldía Bolivia
- Colectivo Vida Independiente de Guatemala
- Collective of Youth Organizations for Solidarity in the Democratic Republic of Congo
- CommonHealth, India
- Community Safety and Mediation Center
- Comunidad Internacional de mujeres viviendo con VIH ICW Argentina
- Concertación Interamericana de Mujeres Activistas por los Derechos Humanos
- Conectas Direitos Humanos
- Corporación Humanas - Chile
- Crea
- Danish Family Planning Association (DFPA)
- DAWN (Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era)
- Ddeser Puebla
- Development Agenda for Girls and Women in Africa Network (DAWA)
- Dirección de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva, Ministerio de Salud, Argentina
- Directrice
- Dziewuchy Berlin
- E-Romnja Association
- ECPI-Euroregional Center for Public Initiatives
- Egides - alliance internationale francophone pour l'égalité et les diversités
- Elige Red de Jóvenes por los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos, A.C.
- Empower India
- ENSEMBLE pour le respect de la diversité
- Entre-Nosotras
- Equality Bahamas
- Equality Now
- Equidad de Género, Ciudadanía, Trabajo y Familia
- Eshet Children and Youth Development Organization (ECYDO)
- Espacio Encuentro de Mujeres
- Estonian Gynaecologists' Society
- Eurasian Women's Network on AIDS
- Family Planning and Sexual Health Association
- Family Planning New Zealand
- Family Planning Organization of the Philippines
- FEDERA foundation for Women and Family Planning
- Femena
- FEMNET: African Women's Development and Communication Network
- Fierté Montréal
- Fiji Women's Rights Movement
- Focus on. Women Magazine
- Fondation PROFA
- Fondation Westerline Charles (FWC)
- Fondo de Aborto para la Justicia Social MARIA
- Fòs Feminista
- Front Association/Feminism Romania
- Fundacion Arcoiris por el respeto a la diversidad sexual
- Fundacion mujeres x mujeres
- Fundación Oriéntame
- Fundacion para Estudio e Investigacion de la Mujer
- Fundación Probienestar Sexual y Reproductivo PROSER
- Fundatia Corona
- Gallegos
- Gen-ethisches Netzwerk e.V.
- Gender Studies and Human Rights Documentation Centre
- Gender-Centru
- Generation Alive
- Generation Initiative for Women and Youth Network(GIWYN)
- Gestamos Juntos
- Global Alliance against Traffic in Women
- Global Doctors for Choice
- Global Health Justice Partnership (GHJP) of the Yale Law and Public Health Schools, Yale University
- Global Women's Health, Rights and Empowerment Initiative
- Gobernanza Mx
- Gozarte - Grupo de Jóvenes por los DDSSRR - Uruguay
- Gran Jipon
- Groupe de Réflexion et d'Initiative pour l'Avancement de la Grand'Anse (GRIAG))
- Guttmacher Institute
- Hábitat Mujer Salud
- Halifax Sexual Health Centre
- HealthEquity Action Learnings Foundation
- Heartland Alliance International
- Help & Shelter
- Her Rights Initiative
- HIV Justice Network
- Humanists International
- Humanity & Inclusion Canada
- Idaho Abortion Rights
- ILGA World
- Información y Educación Sexual del Caribe AC
- Iniciativa Mesoamericana de Mujeres Defensoras de Derechos Humanos (IM-Defensoras)
- Initiative Pananetugri pour le Bien-être de la Femme (IPBF)
- Institut du Genre en Géopolitique
- Instituto de Desenvolvimento e Direitos Humanos - IDDH
- Instituto de Salud Popular (INSAP)
- International Campaign for Women's Right to Safe Abortion
- International Center for Research on Women
- International Commission of Jurists
- International Federation of Business and Professonal Women
- International Network of Liberal Women
- International Service for Human Rights
- International Women's Development Agency
- Ipas Bolivia
- Ipas Ethiopia
- Ipas Lac
- IPPF Americas y El Caribe
- Ixchel: Acompañamiento en Salud
- Jacarandas
- JASS (Just Associates)
- Jóvenes por una Salud Integral
- Justiça Global
- Katswe Sistahood
- La Revolución de las viejas
- La Verità Onlus - International Diplomacy
- Ladev Zim
- LakanBini Advocates Pilipinas
- Lanka Fundamental Rights Organization
- Laureana Wright
- Law for Palestine
- Malawi Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights Alliance
- MAP Foundation
- MATCH Program-South Riverdale Community Health Centre
- Médecins du Monde International Network
- MenEngage Global Alliance
- Metzineres
- Michael Garron Hospital, Department of Midwifery
- Midwifery Society of Nepal
- Minority Womyn in Action
- Morgane Oger Foundation
- Movimiento de mujeres diversas y disidencias en resistencia #GuayaquilFeminista
- Movimiento Manuela Ramos
- Movimiento Mujeres Luna Creciente
- MundoSur
- MYSU Mujer Y Salud en Uruguay
- Naripokkho
- National Council of Women Leaders (NCWL)
- Nègès Mawon
- Niagara Reproductive Justice
- observadoras ley de aborto - chile
- OCASI-Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants
- ODRI - Office against discrimination, racism and intolerance
- Ordre des sages-femmes du Québec
- Organisation féministe MARIJÀN
- Organización de Mujeres Tierra Viva
- Outright International
- Oxfam International
- Participatory Development Action Program
- Pathways for Women's Empowerment and Development/Integrated Agricultural Training Center (PaWEDIATC) Cameroon
- Physicians for Human Rights
- Pioneer Filipino Transgender men Movement
- Planned Parenthood Global
- Planned Parenthood NL Sexual Health Centre
- Planned Parenthood Ottawa
- Planned Parenthood Regina
- Planned Parenthood Toronto
- Polonia Inclusive
- Portuguese Society of Contraception
- Pride at Work Canada/Fierté au travail Canada
- Principle 17
- ProChoice With Heart - Gulf Coast
- Profamilia
- Program on Global Health and Human Rights
- PROMSEX, Centro de Promocion y Defensa de los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos
- Proyecta Igualdad Perú - Justicia Verde
- Proyecto Iskay
- Psychological Responsiveness NGO, Mongolia
- Queer Hindu Alliance, India
- Rainbow Railroad
- RD es de Todes
- Reactor - Research in Action
- Realizing Sexual and Reproductive Justice
- Red Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir de America Latina y el Caribe
- Red Chilena de Profesionales por el Derecho a Decidir
- Red de profesionales por la salud integral de mujeres y niñas
- Red de Salud de las Mujeres Latinoamericanas y del Caribe
- Red Feminista de Acompañantes de Aborto Con las Amigas y en la Casa
- REDAAS Argentina
- [email protected]
- Rede Nacional de Mulheres Negras no Combate á Violência
- REDI Red por los derechos de las personas con discapacidad
- RedOrange Communications
- Regional Center for International Development Cooperation - RCIDC
- Repro Justice Congo
- réseau d' Afrique Centrale pour la santé reproductive des femmes gabon,cameroun, Guinée Equatoriale ( GCG)
- Results Canada
- Right for All Women
- Romanian Women's Lobby
- Rutgers
- Safe Abortion Action Fund (SAAF)
- Safe Motherhood Network Federation Nepal
- safe2choose
- Sannoy Bangladesh
- Sarajevo Open Centre
- Sex information & Education Council of Canada (SIECCAN)
- Sex og Politikk (IPPF Norway)
- Sex Workers Project of the Urban Justice Center
- Sexual Health Nova Scotia
- Sexual Rights Initiative
- SFBSP-Burundi
- Sociedade Portuguesa de Constraceção
- society for sustainable development
- Solidarité des Jeunes Filles pour l'Education et l'Intégration Socioprofessionnelle, SOJFEP
- Solution based organisation
- Somos Muchas
- Sonke Gender Justice
- Soroptimist International Great Britain and Ireland
- Space Allies
- SRHR Hubs
- Surkuna Ecuador
- Synergía - Initiatives for human rights
- Taller Salud
- Teatro & SIDA, A. C.
- The Community Agenda
- The Community Health Rights Network
- The Foundation for the Elimination of Violence Against Women "Mitra Perempuan", Indonesia
- The International Institute on Race, Equality and Human Rights
- The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy - MIFTAH
- The Regional Coalition for Women Human Rights Defenders in South West Asia and North Africa (also known as WHRDMENA)
- Tierra Viva
- Today's Women International Network
- Unidad de Atención Sicológica Sexológica y Educativa para el Crecimiento Personal
- United Youth for Sustainable Globe Eswatini
- Urgent Action Fund for Feminist Activism
- Vecinas Feministas por la Justicia sexual y Reproductiva
- Vigilia #InfanciaSinAbuso
- Vision GRAM-International
- Wclac
- We Women Lanka Network
- WomanHealth Philippines
- Women and Modern World Social Charitable Center
- Women Deliver
- Women Development Society (WODES)
- Women Enabled International
- Women for Peace and Gender Equality Initiative (WOPEGEE)
- Women for Women's Human Rights - New Ways
- Women Global Network for Reproductive Rights Africa (WGNRR Africa)
- Women on Web
- Women's Centre for Social Justice, o/a WomenatthecentrE
- Women's Global Network for Reproductive Rights (WGNRR)
- Women's Global Network for Reproductive Rights Africa
- Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
- Women's International League for Peace and Freedom UK
- Women's Leadership Centre, Namibia
- Women's Legal Cente
- Women's Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF)
- Women's Link Worldwide
- YC
- Young Advocates for SRHR Philippines
- Young Feminists Movement Namibia
- Youth and Women for Change in Eswatini
- Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights
- براح آمن
- جمعية العطاء الخيرية
- جمعية نساء ضد العنف Women Against Violence
- مؤسسة القاهرة للتنمية والقانون
- مبادرات
- आकांक्षा सेवा सदन
- Erika Acosta
- Caroline Adams
- graciela adan
- Dorothy Agalla
- Soraya Aggege
- sheba Akpokli
- Isabel Amarante
- Guillermo Antonio Antonio Ortiz
- Jorge Apolaya
- Lia Arribas
- Denise Arroniz Vergara
- Larissa Arroyo Navarrete
- Manuel Aurelio
- Aislin Azcárate Kent
- zahia bachir
- Inalda Baptista
- Aide Barniskyte
- Carla Gisele Batista
- Fabiola Becerril
- Caroline Bendall
- Nayeli Benítez
- Milton Bernardo
- Mabel Bianco
- Lucia Blanco
- Jenna Bly
- Teresa Bombas
- Maeva Bonjour
- Allyson Booth
- Jose Antonio Bosch Valero
- Nicole Bourbonnais
- Tamara Braam
- Deborah Byrne
- Martha Calveyra
- Juana Camargo
- Ana Maria Camarillo
- Kathryn Carruthers
- Lisa Carter
- Andrés Castillo
- Mélina Castonguay
- Angie Castro
- Angelica Ceceña Altamirano
- Alma Odette Chacón
- Benson Chakaya
- Nália Chambal
- Damith Chandimal
- Westerline CHARLES
- Márcia Chavane
- Johanna Chévez
- Stella Chabooka Chirindza
- Anibal Chitata
- Shamima Chowdhury
- Alanis Cintrón
- Jade Clee
- Ernestina Coast
- Dorcas Coker-Appiah
- Jeanne Conry
- Nydia Contardo
- Barbara Crane
- Monique Cruz
- Xheni Dani
- Dr . E. M. B. Daniel
- Liz Darling
- Sarah Davies
- Desiree Del Rosario
- Lene Del Valle
- Dolores Guadalupe Deras Alas
- Iza Desperak
- Demeke Desta
- Helena Dobay
- Łasińska Dorota
- Christina Dougherty
- Ulandi du Plessis
- Karolina Dubiel
- Emeline Dupuis
- Tatenda Dzvarai
- Laurence Fehlmann Rielle
- Amanda Fiander
- Tiffany Fung
- Tina Gaal
- Olimpia García López
- Donna George
- Jaime Gher, JD, LL.M
- samir ghozy
- Anna Glover
- Margarita Gonzalez
- Nirvana Gonzalez
- patricia gonzalez prado
- Katherine Gooch-Breault
- amanda green
- Beatriz Guerrero
- Miguel Gutierrez
- Maria Alicia Gutierrez
- José Cruz Guzmán Matías
- anne emmanuèle HASSAIRI
- Richard Hemmings
- Janet Hering
- Morena Herrera
- Melissa Hickey
- Debbie Hollis - Waskom, Texas, USA
- Merydth Holte-McKenzie
- Angela Soroptimist Hulm
- Agira Iaquite
- Ana Ibarra
- Pilar Iglesias Aparicio
- Sheila Ince
- Samiul Islam
- Tania Ivanova
- Katarzyna Iwańska-Guzek
- María Gabriela Ixchíu Hernández
- Aqilla Izzi
- Juan Sebastián Jaime Pardo
- Patricia Jaramillo
- Alan Jarandilla Nuñez
- Rae Jardine
- Danielle Jáuregui
- Stephanie Johanssen
- Sanlove Joseph
- maura momade juma Juma
- Rachel Kagoiya
- Yamini Kalyanaraman
- Mer Kammerling
- Marcelo Kantu
- Anna Karbowiak
- Seema Kawar
- Patricia Kerfoot
- Brittany Kingham
- Luisa Kislinger
- Dominika Kowalczyk-Sadanowicz
- Hilde Kroes
- Kudzanai Matilda Kurotwi
- Marcia de Avila Berni Leão
- Susana Lerner y Sigal
- Bette Levy
- Ana Li
- Wendy Lopez
- Kimberly López Montiel
- Patricia López Romero
- Felismona Luís
- Alma Delia Luis Reyes
- Laura Macdonald
- Jessica Machado
- Angélica María Macías Merchán
- Victoria Macie
- Liz Maguire
- Mark Devon Maitim
- Simphiwe Manhica
- Ferdinando Manjate
- Sandra Marks
- Daniel Matyjaszek
- Daniela Medina
- Milagros Mendoza Urbina
- Shashikala Menon
- Elizabeth Mens
- Md. Ilias Miah
- Rachel Milkovich
- Jessa Millar
- Ruth Miller
- Josefina Miro Quesada Gayoso
- Celmira Monjane
- Lucilene Morandi
- Nancy Morris
- Sethembiso Promise Mthembu
- Giscard MUKUCHA
- Crissar Mundin
- Camilo Andrés Muñoz Restrepo
- tracy murphy
- Sebastiao Muthisse
- Rabia Namissão
- Rosa Ydray Negrón Zare
- obed Nhambire
- Saleema Noon
- Ana Elena Obando
- Sharon OBrien
- Olenka Ochoa
- Elizabeth Oliver-Malone
- Carmen Ortiz
- Angélica Pablo Peña
- Marta Paczkowska
- Lisa Palfart
- Beatrice Palii
- Faryl Palles
- Constanza Pauchulo
- Nikki Pawsey
- Victoria Pedrido
- Carlos Rebeca Pelembe
- Noel Pequenino
- Valerie Perrault
- Simon Petitjean
- Lisa Philippo
- Sonia Picado
- Lynn Poole
- Małgorzata Prokop-Paczkowska
- Iván Prudencio
- Patricia Puebla
- Barbara Pulice
- Dr. Souvik Pyne
- Marcelo Quiros
- Atziri Ramirez Negrin
- Ishani Ranasinghe
- LUCÍA Raphael
- Anubha Rastogi
- Bijayalaxmi Rautaray
- Vivi Reyes
- Christian Ríos Vallejo
- Yamilin Rivera
- Agnes Rivera
- Hugo Rodriguez
- Cristian Rodriguez de León
- Małgorzata Rojewska
- Louise Roland-Gosselin
- Yarinet Romero
- Lariza Romero Fonseca
- Paulo Rodrigo Romo de Vivar Martínez
- Andrea Rosales
- Claudia Areli Rosales Acevedo
- Rocio Rosero Garcés
- Susan Deller Ross
- Felicitas Rossi
- Isotta Rossoni
- Ricardo Xavier Saene
- Nubia Salas
- Marivel Saldana
- Ana Sanchez
- Marlies Schellekens
- Patricia Schulz
- Elsa Schvartzman
- Angela Sebastiani
- Lorissa Sengara
- Ranjeeta Silwal
- Lidia Skuza
- Jane Slatter
- Renee Smith
- Daniella Solano
- Neha Sood
- Peg Spitzer
- Nelly Staderini
- Susan Stout
- Dayanidas Sudhakar
- Samitha Sugathimala
- Kaya SY
- Magda Szabert
- Sussan Tahmasebi
- Laxmi Tamang
- Alicia Ester Tate
- Daniela Natalia Terrón Buenrostro
- Nandini Thapa
- Lakhwinder Thompson
- Adriana María Torres
- Patricia Trigueros
- Celia Trindade
- Nathalie Turcotte
- Bruce Tushabe
- Helena Twarowski
- Marcia Ugarte
- Susana Underwood
- Carol Vásquez
- Apurupa Vatsalya
- Edith Vázquez
- Xochitl Velazquez
- Suzanne Veldhuis
- Jennie Walker
- Womba Wanki
- Juliet Were
- Agata Winer
- Ewa Wołowiec
- Sally Wood
- Christine Wright
- Alicia Yamin
- Małgorzata Zalewska
- Jessica Zárate
- نيرة حشمت
- वन्दना शर्मा
- 52 Individuals who wished to remain anonymous