Hague Civil Society Call to Action

We, the members of civil society and individuals present at the International Conference on Human Rights and ICPD Beyond 2014 (The Hague, 7-10 July, 2013), representing diverse constituencies from around the globe, welcome the constructive spirit and promising tone of the International Conference. In that same spirit we repeat our call upon governments and agencies to commit to the full realization of the sexual and reproductive rights of all people.

Maternal Mortality, Human Rights and Accountability

The scale of maternal mortality and morbidity today is staggering. This book focuses on a vital part of a human rights response to maternal mortality, viz. accountability. Accountability encompasses monitoring, review and redress at the local, national and international levels. The book's context includes the UN Human Rights Council maternal mortality and morbidity resolutions, as well as Millennium Development Goal 5.

Disability, Sexuality, and Holding States Accountable: Local and Global Strategies


CREA, Women Enabled International, Shanta Memorial Rehabilitation Centre, Center for Reproductive Rights, and Sexual Rights Initiative

Cordially invite you to a side event to the Conference of States Parties to the CRPD Disability, Sexuality, and Holding States Accountable:

Save the Date! “Maternal Mortality: Implementation and Accountability”

Parallel event entitled “Maternal Mortality: Implementation and Accountability: Guidance on Using a Human Rights Approach in the Context of the Post 2015 Agenda” taking place alongside the 24th session of the UN Human Rights Council.

Maternal Mortality: Implementation and Accountability:
Guidance on Using a Human Rights Approach in the Context of the Post 2015 Agenda

11 September 2013, 13h00-15h00

Palais de Nation, Geneva, Room XXIV

Lunch will be served

(Une interprétation en français sera disponible)