NEW UPR Sexual Rights Database is here!

Published on December 11, 2017

The Sexual Rights Initiative invites you to visit our new and improved Universal Periodic Review Sexual Rights Database. The database allows you to search all the sexual rights related recommendations and references made during UPR sessions at the UN Human Rights Council, including progress on the implementation of accepted recommendations. The database is part of a suite of tools developed by the SRI to support State accountability for the realization of all human rights related to sexuality, reproduction and gender. UPRDATABASE.ORG

UPR Database



  • Open access – password no longer required
  • New design
  • User friendly search options
  • Includes all sexual rights recommendations from UPRs 1-26 with UPR 27 data currently in the process of being uploaded
  • Includes sexual rights references in UN Compilation Reports, Stakeholder Summaries, National Reports
  • Includes progress on recommendation implementation as reported by the State under Review
  • Rolling updates following UPR report adoptions
  • Broad range of sexual rights issues including abortion, birth registration, sexuality education, discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, discrimination on the basis of gender identity, sex work, HIV, early marriage, forced marriage and many more
  • Search by State under Review, Recommending State, Review Documentation, Issue, Key Word, Cycle and more!


Use the Database to…

  • Find out what governments have committed to do (or not) on sexual rights and how they have implemented the recommendations they accepted
  • Assist in the development of UPR stakeholder summaries
  • Inform analyses on UPR sexual rights trends at the national, regional and global level
  • Find out which States make sexual rights related recommendations and State under Review responses
  • Find out which issues raised by civil society and UN treaty monitoring bodies are being neglected by States making recommendations


About the UPR Process

The Universal Periodic Review of the United Nations Human Rights Council is a process to review each of the 193 Member States of the UN on its entire human rights record every four and a half years. It is a powerful tool to hold governments accountable for sexual rights violations and to advocate for changes to particular laws and policies that impact on human rights related to sexuality, gender and reproduction. The SRI has been actively involved in the UPR process since its establishment in 2006 and has collaborated with over 150 national and regional organizations, activists and academics in more than 100 countries to consistently raise sexual rights at every UPR session. We are committed to ensuring sexual rights are systematically integrated into the UPR process as a critical means of ensuring accountability for human rights obligations related to gender, sexuality and reproduction.



Please share any feedback, suggestions for improvement, how you use the database in your work and any other comments or questions to [email protected]

Visit the UPR Sexual Rights Database