Event date


This event will explore recent developments on the right to Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) from the perspective of States, youth led civil society, UN agencies and UN Human Rights mechanisms. Participants will gain a broader understanding of State obligations to provide CSE that is accessible to all children, adolescents and young people, including those with disabilities, and how the Human Rights Council can support the implementation of CSE within the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


7 March 2017

Palais des Nations Unies, Room XXI

15:00 – 16:30



Meghan Doherty, Sexual Rights Initiative & Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights


Confirmed Speakers

  • Nomtika Mjwana, Sexual and Reproductive Justice Coalition
  • Benedicte Storm, Youth Adviser, Permanent Mission of Denmark
  • Dr. Chandra-Mouli, WHO Department of Reproductive Health and Research
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